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Pool table cushions can degrade over time. That’s why at some point, you will have to replace them. Getting one for the first time can be hard and confusing. Don’t fret, since we narrowed down your choices to the best pool table cushions in the market.
Our Top Pool Table Cushions Reviews
Pool table cushions play an important role on the pool table. This is where your pool balls hit and bounce around. Basically, they are your pool table’s borders.
An excellent pool table cushion allows the pool ball to bounce accurately as what physics would predict it to. Below is a list of some of the best pool table cushions we’ve found and a brief explanation of their features.
Ozone Billiards K66 Rubber Bumpers Pool Table Rail Cushions
K66 is the most common type of table cushion profile most Americans use. This is why you can’t go wrong with this one. However, you should also check if your pool table can accommodate an Ozone Billiards K66 Rubber Bumpers Pool Table Rail Cushions profile before you buy one.
That being said, the Ozone Billiards K66 Rubber Bumpers Pool Table Rail Cushions feel nice and hard. The rebound on the pool balls is consistent and feels normal. The bounce feels responsive and consistent.
These pool table cushions come in a set of 6. It covers the pool table railings completely. It is 8 feet in length size. Therefore it’s perfect for 8-foot pool tables which are commonly used in most American homes that own pool tables. If you have a smaller one, you can cut the cushions easily to fit your pool table.
The rubber on this pool cushion is just the right amount of thickness for an accurate rebound feels on your pool balls. The quality of the materials feels premium and really durable. You feel that the balls bounce crisp and sharp off the rails.
Finally, it works surprisingly well even on old pool tables. It’s also easy to apply and all you need is an excellent glue to stick it really well on the pool table.
Product Highlights
- Solid and excellent rebound
- Made with durable material so it will last long
- K66 means it fits most American pool tables
Okko Set of 6 Pool Table Billiard Cushions
If you’re looking for a lot of options and want one that gives you the most bang for your buck, then the Okko Set of 6 Pool Table Billiard Cushions is the right pick for you.
With this model, you can pick from a lot of different options based on your pool table cushion profile. You can choose from:
- K55 42 Inch in Length
- K66 42 Inch in Length
- K66 48 Inch in Length
- U23 42 Inch in Length
No matter what size your pool table is, there’s an option for you.
These pool table cushions are easy to apply. The bumpers fit perfectly on standard pool tables. You can also trim it to easily shape into your pool table if it doesn’t fit.
The bumpers are responsive and your pool balls bounce easily and consistently. The rubber feels durable and has just the right amount of thickness for that rebound feeling.
Unfortunately, the quality of these pool table cushions isn’t as great as those on a premium level. However, premium pool table cushions are quite expensive and these pool table cushions sit at the mid-range level. We would recommend buying this for your home personal use.
Overall, you get great value from these pool table cushions and you don’t need to blow your budget. The rubber is great and it has a nice bouncy feel to it.
Product Highlights
- Variety of options
- Durable rubber
- Excellent bounce feel
Iszy Pool Billiard K55 Rubber Table Cushion
The Iszy Pool Billiard K55 Rubber Table Cushion is a K55 profile pool table cushion. K55 Cushions still works great, they’re just not great for all-around situations. However, K55 pool table cushions fit most home pool tables.
The bounce isn’t as great compared to a quality K66 pool table cushion. It’s different for smaller than average pool tables though. That being said, the bounce feels just right.
K55 is also thicker compared to a K66. It can often get in the way or block the pockets if it doesn’t exactly fit your pool table. Make sure you call your pool table manufacturer to check if your pool table is compatible with a K55 pool table cushion profile.
Nevertheless, if you are looking for the best affordable pool table cushion, this one is for you. This is great if it fits your 7 or 8-foot pool tables.
The high-quality rubber provides excellent rebound. It’s also easy to cut so you can adjust it to fit your pool table. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much if your pool table is smaller than average.
The durability is decent enough. You may see a bit of fading after years of use. That’s okay, you should expect this pool table cushion in this price range. Overall, this is your best option for an affordable pool table cushion.
Product Highlights
- Good-quality rubber
- Easy to apply and cut
- Affordable and decent durability
Features to Consider for Pool Table Cushions
There are certain features that you should keep in mind when choosing your pool table cushions. You should always account for this when picking pool table cushions because they will predict how good a pool table cushion is.

The best pool table cushions have just the right amount of bounce. Some of the known brands ensure their rubber provides excellent bounce and rebound. It should also be consistent.
The bounce should be exactly the same all the way around the edges of the pool table. The most important thing is the consistency of the bounce. Inconsistent bounce leads to confusion especially when you calculate your shots.
A good pool table cushion also should last for a long time. You should not worry about replacing it more than once every 5 to 10 years. Finding one that is proven durable is hard.
The best thing you can do is find out the quality of its rubber. People also tend to leave reviews on how durable and long-lasting a product is so you should also read them.
You can also ask some of the experts at your local pool hall or on the internet what brands and models have the best durability out there.
An adjustable pool table cushion is one you can cut easily. It ensures you can get them to fit snug with the openings of the pockets as you install them.
Pool table cushions that don’t fit your pool table are useless. They need to fit exactly to provide consistent bounce and not affect the overall game.
Some may argue that your pool table cushions need to stick well. However, it’s really all about what glue you are using. Rubber doesn’t stick out that much in the first place. You need an excellent glue to stick it tight to your pool table.
Pricing makes a lot of difference in pool table cushions and they have a huge difference too. Cheap ones tend to have less durability and you may find yourself replacing them once every year or two.
Expensive and premium pool table cushions often only require you to replace them once every 5 to 10 years.
If you can, you should go for expensive and premium pool cushion tables. Cheap alternatives aren’t that bad at all. However, it won’t be great for you if you are thinking of long term use.

Pool Table Rail Cushion Profiles
The pool table rail cushion profile relates to the nose height of your pool table. The nose height is the point of the rubber cushion where the ball would make contact.
Standard pool tables that use 2 ¼ inches pool balls usually have a nose height between 1 ⅜ inch to 1 7/16 inch above the table surface.
K66 Profile
Most non-Brunswick pool tables likely have a K66 pool cushion profile. It should measure 1 1/18 inch across the cushion top, and 1 3/16 inch high at the back.
Most American home pool tables that aren’t Brunswick uses this pool cushion profile. However, it’s better to call the manufacturer to know what pool cushion profile you have if you’re unsure of it.
K55 Profile
Brunswick pool tables made after 1975 likely have a K55 pool table cushion profile. It measures 1 ¼ inch across the cushion top and 1 5/16 inch high at the back. Some Brunswick pool tables made before 1975 also have K55 pool table cushion profile.
Make sure you check this by measuring the back side of the cushion (the glue side) to check the size. Older K55 cushions have a measurement of 1 5/16 inch at the back and 1 ⅛ inch on the top side.
Brunswick 7 ft. and 8 ft. Table Profiles
Older Brunswick pool tables have different pool cushion profiles especially the 7 and 8-foot pool tables. Your pool table may have a propriety cushion profile like the Brunswick Centennial or Contender cushions.
These are some of the best pool table cushions you can find on the market. They provide an excellent and consistent bounce in all corners of the cushion. They also have a lot of durability in their rubber material.